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Surface treatment process of duplex steel stainless steel welded heat exchanger U-shaped tube

Duplex steel stainless steel welded heat exchanger U-shaped tube surface treatment process: improving corrosion resistance and aesthetics to a new realm

In the manufacturing process of duplex steel stainless steel welded heat exchanger U-shaped tubes, surface treatment is an indispensable part. This step is not only related to the beautiful appearance of the U-shaped pipe, but also directly related to its corrosion resistance. By using surface treatment methods such as pickling, sandblasting, and polishing, impurities such as oxide scale and rust on the surface can be effectively removed, making the surface of the steel pipe smoother and flatter, thereby significantly improving its corrosion resistance.

Pickling is a common surface treatment method that uses acid to chemically clean the metal surface to remove scale, rust and other attachments. During the pickling process, the concentration, temperature and treatment time of the acid need to be strictly controlled to avoid excessive corrosion of the substrate. The surface of the pickled U-shaped pipe will show a clean metallic luster, laying a good foundation for subsequent process steps.

Sand blasting uses a high-speed rotating spray gun to spray sand particles onto the metal surface. Through the impact and cutting action of the sand particles, the dirt and oxide layer on the surface are removed. This method can not only make the surface of the U-shaped pipe rougher and increase the adhesion of the coating, but also make the surface more uniform and consistent, improving the overall aesthetics of the product.

Polishing treatment is to finely polish the surface of the U-shaped tube to give it a smooth and bright appearance. Polishing not only removes minor surface irregularities and scratches, but also further improves the surface's corrosion resistance. Through polishing treatment, a dense oxide film can be formed on the surface of the U-shaped tube to effectively prevent the intrusion of corrosive media.

In addition to the above common surface treatment methods, other processes can also be used according to specific needs, such as electrochemical polishing, mechanical polishing, etc. The selection of these surface treatment methods should be comprehensively considered based on factors such as the material of the U-shaped pipe, the use environment, and performance requirements.

It is worth mentioning that surface treatment is not a one-time job, it needs to be continued throughout the entire manufacturing process. For example, after welding is completed, special treatment is required on the weld to ensure that the corrosion resistance of the weld is consistent with that of the overall pipeline. In addition, before the U-shaped pipe is put into use, regular maintenance and upkeep is required to maintain its good surface condition and performance.

Surface treatment is an important step in the manufacturing process of duplex steel stainless steel welded heat exchanger U-shaped tubes. By adopting appropriate surface treatment methods, not only the corrosion resistance of U-shaped pipes can be improved, but also the appearance can be made more beautiful and neat. In future manufacturing and applications, with the continuous advancement and innovation of technology, it is believed that more advanced surface treatment methods will be used in the manufacturing of U-shaped tubes to provide more reliable and efficient heat exchange solutions for industrial production. .
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